Sept. 1, 2013


President PJ Schaefer opened the meeting on Sept 1  at 4:30 PM.   

Members present were PJ (Pres) and Barb Schaefer, Jeff Schneider (VP), Carole Dannehl (Secy), Brad Brolsma, Bob Pellant, Bob Giere, Bob Reigelman, Bryan Renton.  

The minutes of the 2012 meeting were read and approved.

President’s report:

1.         Follow-up to items in Minutes:   Dale Olson of the County Conservation Dept. remarked on the Round Lake/Osprey Creek dam situation.  As of August 15, permission for rebuilding the bridge had not come from the DNR.  After permission is granted, the DNR will hold public meetings.  The proposal now is to put a 14 foot concrete culvert at Carlson Rd under the bridge.

2.         The Osprey Lake public landing has now been renovated with a concrete ramp.  If the water stays up, it works well.

3.         The bank foreclosed on Thompson’ property and hired Dick Barbour to sell it.   There is a question whether the CPU permit stays with the property.

4.         Nine acres of the lake were treated with Renovate Max-G this summer and it appears to have killed most of the milfoil.  Other areas are being watched.  Jeff asked about the 3-year grant for milfoil treatment.  Kristy Maki had told PJ that we have the money but do not have to do consecutive year treatments.


Treasurer Brian Follett’s report (submitted via email).


Osprey Lake Property Owners Association

2013 YTD Financial Highlights

as of 28 August 2013


Year-to-date Stats                              2012 Comparison (full year)


      18 contributors                                   21 contributors

$ 3,730 – contributions                      $ 9,010 – contributions

$    265 – expenses                             $ 5,040 – expenses (new landing)

$ 3,465 – YTD surplus                       $ 3,970 – added to reserves

$ 9,792 – bank balance                       $ 6,327 – bank balance EOY

Pending expense: $3K-6K for milfoil treatment.  $300 in walleye fund.

Seven lakeshore owners have not contributed to OLPOA in 2013. 



Carole and PJ attended the June 15 meeting of the Sawyer County Lakes Forum. Carole reported that newspaper-style informational material as well as small booklets detailing interesting and useful facts about lake use are available for all property owners.  The SCLF recommends that interested owners contact the County Conservation Dept. for details about qualifying for a Conservation  Star Home Award.  Scores are based on criteria such as buffer zone, habitat, lighting, invasive weeds, water runoff.


Guest speaker Max Wolter of the DNR, a fish biologist, gave an excellent report on fish in Osprey Lake.  Items in his talk included:

a)     the DNR prefers to stock larger sizes and has  Walleye Initiative funding from the state which is being used to increase the output of extended growth walleyes.  They are at 60% of production now.

b)     He works with Paul Cristel of LCO fisheries

c)     Bass are the most likely culprit responsible for the low numbers of walleye

d)     Thoughts on the future of walleye in Osprey Lake:  This lake has supported walleye in the past, so possibly dropping length limits on largemouth bass might help increase walleye population.  If there is not a good return and if the bass population stays up, we could manage for bass instead.   Good panfish come from either a good walleye population OR a good bass population. 

e)     Max passed out 2 data sheets—Late-Spring Electrofishing Survey Summary from 2011, and Early-Spring Fyke Netting Survey Summary from 2011, both done on Osprey Lake.

f)      Suggestions from Max:  we could try for 5 to 7 years to help return this to a walleye lake, by eliminating bass length limit, stocking walleye, receiving stock from the tribe, and then after the next survey, looking to see whether there is natural reproduction.


Comments from members indicated that there have been walleye caught this year—with the largest being 19”.   One concern was voiced that being known as a walleye lake might encourage both increased spearing and more “outside” fishermen putting in at the landing.

 The consensus was that we will contact all POA members to get input as to whether a majority would approve the attempt to return the lake to a walleye lake.  This would include whether they would financially support such effort.


The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 PM, and was followed by the usual potluck fish fry with 16 people attending.


Submitted by Carole Dannehl, Secretary